How Not to Get Published: A History
So, I'm posting a blog entry for the third week in a row. Great, what the hell do I talk about? I mean I am close to actually being ready...
So, we begin this week's installment of ravings with me acting immensely stupid. This is where we stand. I have a very narrow social...
What next?
So, I finished my first novel of 2017, a sequel to 111 Souls, and for the first time I am left without a project that is anywhere near...

Shameless Self-Promotion
Shameless self-promotion time! Two new books on Amazon- well, one new, one a collection. This marks my first published and completed...
The Bog
I have once again allowed myself to become bogged down in the mire of life, injuries, illness, and writing to work on doing all the...

Post-Surgery Success?
So, despite feeling horrible, I managed to get this published. :-)
Natural Pessimism
I am perennially plagued by doubts regarding my own inconsequential worth, so much so that any endeavor to prove otherwise tends to send...
Bad News/Moderately Okay Ranging Toward Pretty Cool News Situation
I won't ask which you would prefer first, but the okay/potentially cool news is I did submit Partisan for an editorial review and it...
Work/Work Balance
I've done a lot less with attempting to be published this year than I had planned, partially because I have been trying to improve my...

So, we have a new book...
Well, a new novella is probably a better description. I wrote this as a teleplay exercise as a theoretical pilot for a show, and I ended...