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A Rather Lackluster Week (A weak week, as it were)

There is something incredulously unfair to falling ill.

You're forced to take time off from that annoying real job, you have hours of technically free time with limited expectations as to what you must do with it. It should be a good time to get some writing done, right?

Yeah, that's why I'm 30 pages in arrears this week.

Aside from binge-watching Community for the millionth time and playing Dragon Age Inquisition, I didn't much feel up to doing anything.

I opened word files, stared at them like I was going to start typing and then went back to doing ostensibly nothing.

Some days, the motivation just won't come. When I'm sick, the motivation goes on holiday.

But I don't let that excuse fly. It just means I'll have to pull some double-shifts in order to catch up. Five pages a day, every damn day.

If I could just eat veggies and exercise with the same damned tenacity with which I force myself to churn out five pages per day, I probably wouldn't have to worry about so many damned illness.

Anyway, cheers!

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