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The Bog

I have once again allowed myself to become bogged down in the mire of life, injuries, illness, and writing to work on doing all the ancillary stuff that goes with trying to make it as a writer: editing, submitting novels to agents, submitting short stories to magazines, maintaining my blog(s), etc.

Since I last worked on this website, I have published four additional books through Amazon- Manic Sonata, Saboteur, Parliament of the Profane III: Gloria Deo and Parliament of the Profane: the Complete Series.

I have completed the second book in the Infinite Universe series- 48 Traitors- and the second book in a fantasy mystery series that I have not even tried to get the first book published of. Sigh.

Anyway, the website has gotten a revamp; with an unbelievable amount of foolish optimism, I submitted a story to the New Yorker and am gearing up for a new run of story and novel submissions. We shall see how it goes.

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