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So, we begin this week's installment of ravings with me acting immensely stupid.

This is where we stand. I have a very narrow social circle, attributable to different anxieties, self-hatreds, compression of time, on and on. This is problematic on many levels, but perhaps most current of which is that I have a multitude of books and other publications, all of which require dedications. To be honest, I have been scraping the bottom of the barrel for a while now, acknowledging teachers who would not remember me in the slightest, picking groups of people rather than individuals, so I decided with Gloria Deo that I would dedicate it to two people who actually helped in its creation in their own way.

Thomas Bergersen and Nick Phoenix are two composers who run a trailer music production house called Two Steps from Hell. Their music is brilliant, epic, fantastic (as in "like a fantasy" as opposed to "good"), and inspiring. It was the perfect background music to write a series about angels, daemons, mythological monsters, superheroes, and their battles. It seemed to make sense to dedicate the novel to them, even though I don't know them, and it would seem to make just as much sense to let them know. Nick is an author himself, but one would figure that they would a) appreciate the gesture before dismissing it or b) would ignore it. All I need to do is send their Facebook page a message, but that thought fills me with crippling anxiety.

So much of being an indie author does. All the hackneyed things we authors do to try to sell our books- Twitter ads, Facebook pages, on and on... It's terrifying putting one's written word out there; it's even harder trying to get people to read it.

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