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Bad News/Moderately Okay Ranging Toward Pretty Cool News Situation

I won't ask which you would prefer first, but the okay/potentially cool news is I did submit Partisan for an editorial review and it received some nice feedback. 5 Stars and a score of 96% (not sure what the scoring criteria are, but it sounds impressive). Now, will this result in anything of interest occurring on the sales front...? That's the $49 question or whatever I paid to the editing service. Here is the review if you're curious:

They did a written interview as well:

The bad news: my migraines have either picked an interesting time to get worse or I'm developing new and pronounced seasonal allergies combined with my migraines or... Well, let's just say, it could be worse. The short story of it all is that I've been having headaches on and off every day for three weeks. It does not a happy writer make. Granted, capturing misery and transcribing it to the page is kind of what writers do, it's hard to stare at a computer screen when your head feels like it's being cleaved in two.

Anyway, faring onward.

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