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Good God...

It's been eight months since I completed the massive redesign on the website, and I have not made a blog post since then. So, I'll first apologize for getting bogged down in completing grad school, traveling from Iowa to Boston via car for graduation, finishing 2 or 3 novels in the intervening time (or is 3 or 4?), more traveling, and now trying to get another advanced certification in my "real" job.

It's kind of a pain as it means putting off any real endeavors into making a go of trying to get published. I only have time to write or try to get published, not both, and writing is easier, more rewarding, and is flowing.

And for some reason, I want to start a podcast. No idea why or how or what I would necessarily even talk about, but that itch is staying there and just wants to be scratched. It's like the stand-up comedy itch- despite having social anxiety (and a bunch of other anxieties on top of that), I write sets occasionally and am tempted to give it a try, even though I know I'll be terrible.

Till next time.

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