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Fides Uberrima Complete

So, it was a titanic struggle that went several hundred pages beyond what I initially imagined, but the first draft of Parliament of the Profane Book Two: Fides Uberrima (F.U.) is complete!

I feel a little apprehensive about diving immediately back into it for a few reasons. One, I need a break from the world of Nate Greene and Gwen Beckett for a little while. Second, unlike S.O.B., F.U. was a process in churning where I knew certain things had to happen, but I was having trouble arriving at those points in the existing narative. I am a little afraid that I will start going through it and realize I arsed it all up. But that could be my normally pessimistic attitude whenever I get to the end of a book.

During this exile from the world of Parliament of the Profane, I will be finishing up a novella (Book 2 in the Invasion of Miraval: Guerrilla) and some short stories that have been running around my brain. At the same time, I am getting ready to dive back into the world of Chancelleria as I work on getting Daemons, Dragons & Darkness ready for publication and then jumping into the Corsairs of Quarterisle. Corsairs already has 450 pages, but like F.U., the second book is seemingly running a lot longer.

Once that is completed, that will be three novels finished in one year and I can jump onto Gloria Deo (G.D.) and finish the Parliament of the Profane trilogy.

As a side note, the above is my planned cover design for F.U. courtesy of sattva at

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