Tales from an Altered Verse
A Collection of Supernatural Short Stories
Released as a compendium for the first time, here are nine short stories from author Justin Bohardt spanning a range of years (1996-2015), genres- science fiction, horror, and fantasy, and areas- vampires, dystopian futures, drug abuse, insanity, ghosts, religion, music and the future. The common thread through all of these tales is the idea that all of us here, dragging ourselves through existence, are held captive by a singular filament: reality. What if that tiny thread were to snap and the universe came crashing down around us?
Not everything we see can be explained, and just because we do not see something does not mean that it is not real. Most importantly, the reality of the world around us, which we take for granted, is infinitely fragile. Only the slightest impetus can shatter reality and unravel existence as we know it. These nine stories are a study in characters caught in flux as everything they have ever known or understood is turned on its head and their worlds tumble down around them.
An anthology of two previously released short story collections: Sanguine Starscapes and Reality & Other Falsehoods. Some have been published in Hungur and Outpost of the Beyond.