The Invasion of Miraval
Book 1
The Grand Duchy of Miraval is a small, picturesque country of great snow-capped mountains, rich alluvial valleys and plains, and grandiose sections of woods and waterlands strategically located between the world's two great powers. The past two decades have seen Miraval forced to go to war twice with the Dominion, their belligerent, saber-rattling neighbor to the north. Miraval ceded territory to the Dominion in each of those wars to earn an uneasy peace, but most Miravallians knew that the Dommies were just biding their time. The Dominion would come for the entire country sooner or later, and every citizen would be called upon to fight.
Raslan Dagenham, better known as Dag, is a simple hunter and an incredible shot who cares nothing for what goes on in the world beyond his town of Harren Falls in the rocky, forested hills of the Crest. Since his father died fighting the Dominion in the Great Strife, his only interest had been seeing to the survival of his siblings and mother.
The return of his brother Aleksian from university, bearing news that the rumors of an impending Dominion invasion are likely true, coincides with news that several northern cities have fallen to a Dominion advance of tanks and airships. Under cover of darkness, an advanced Dominion force launches a surprise assault on the Dagenham's home town, bringing a distant war into the brothers' back yard.
Spurred on by Aleksian's patriotism and his own desire to protect his home, Dag picks up his rifle in defense of Miraval and goes to war. Allied with his brother Aleksian, a few National Guardsmen, a couple of constables, and a ragtag group of volunteers, Dag will make a stand to save his hometown and possibly his country.