Parliament of the Profane II:
Fides Uberrima
In the second book of the Parliament of the Profane trilogy, Nate Greene, better known as Seether, has finally regained those memories lost after the nuclear explosion in Nagasaki during World War II and at last understands what he is. When the world was still without form and void, he went by the name Azrael, and he served Heaven as the Angel of Vengeance and the instrument of God's Wrath. For six thousand years he had been confined to Earth, a punishment for taking up arms against the Throne during the Morning Star's rebellion, and for six thousand years, he has fought evil in whatever form it has taken.
With the machinations of Preston Ward and the Triumvirate temporarily thwarted, and many meta-humans loyal to the sinister CPI Corporation slain, there will still be no time for Seether and his allies to celebrate their victory. Ward and the two surviving members of the Triumvirate are still on the loose, and a new organization called Fides Uberrima, a cult capable of wielding an incredible power, have thrown their support behind Ward's endgame, an endgame that remains frustratingly elusive to Seether and his companions.
As Ward reaches the culmination of his life's endeavors and Fides Uberrima preaches the coming of the apocalypse, Seether will need to reach back into his distant memories to truly understand the grave peril the world now faces and find a way to defeat the ultimate threat to humanity.