Parliament of the Profane I:
Summum Omnium Bonus
As the history books teach us...
1945. A trio of superheroes known as the Triumvirate have revealed themselves to the world. These people with powers only previously heard of in comic books- the ability to fly, superhuman strength and speed, and mastery of the elements- helped the United States to win World War II. With the blessing of the U.S. government and financially backed by the military-industrial giant CPI Corporation, the Triumvirate became fighters of crime and communism in equal parts while championing American values.
1990. For the first time ever, new humans develop super-powers and an entire generation of meta-humans joins forces with the Triumvirate to form Operation Scimitar. While not nearly as powerful as the seemingly eternal members of the Triumvirate, these new heroes became the front line soldiers in a war against the supervillains who have replaced the Red Menace as the greatest threat to the American way of life.
2014: Gwendolyn Beckett was merely doing her patriotic duty, submitting herself to testing and training at CPI's Operation Scimitar Headquarters after her extraordinary power to melt metals with her mind manifested itself. That was the last thing she remembered, before she awoke bound and hooded, listening to a roaring crowd that is waiting to see her fight a fellow meta-human to the death in a gladiatorial arena. As Gwen battles to stay alive, a splinter faction within the U.S. government, led by a cryptic meta-human who calls himself Seether, is plotting her rescue because they believe that a secret is locked away in her mind. That secret could overturn everything that people thought they knew about meta-humans, could bring crimes to light that have gone long unpunished, and could shed light on a conspiracy millennia in the making. More importantly to Seether, that secret could answer the one question that has plagued him since he woke up off the coast of Nagasaki in 1945 with no memory and powers similar to the members of the Triumvirate: what the hell is he?