Chansons D'Amour
It's next to impossible to get through life as a poet and not spend at least a few moments jotting down a few verse on the mysteries and vagaries of love.
Whether the eternally unrequited adoration of those first teenage crushes, the wrenching heartbreak of watching someone you extol in every breath stabbing you in the back, the indelible moment when your lips first brushed against another's, or that swooning sensation that made you simultaneously dizzy, manic, and crazy when you realized you were actually in love... all merit the poet's craft.
Chansons D'Amour, literally "love songs" in French, is a collection of poetry highlighting all of those strange moments- grandiose and beautiful, subtle and sublime, aching and tear-soaked, perfection and harmony- that would not exist in this world without love.
This collection will encompass poems from a twenty year period (1996-2016) and will traverse the gamut from simple, compact notions and feelings to epic odes to that missing half of my soul.
I am anticipating a summer 2016 release through Amazon.